Entry Fees

Entry Fees

If you are not a member, you're welcome to come visit our centre during operating hours to utilise our services at your leisure. Please see below for all casual pricing at Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool. Concession options are also available.
If you are interested in becoming a member click here.

Fees Current


Casual Swim Fees

Casual Entry 10 Visit Pass* 20 Visit Pass*
Adult (16 years and over) $7.70 $69.00 $135.00
Concession (must provide relevant ID) $5.70 $48.70 $93.00
Family (any five members) $21.30    

Aqua Aerobic Classes

Casual 10 Visit Pass*  
Access to aqua aerobic classes are included in membership - please see the membership page for information on which classes are included.  
Adult (16 years+) $17.50 $161.00  
Concession $13.80 $124.00  

GOswim Program 

Per Lesson    
Minimum term applicable, not offered on a casual basis, weekly direct debit, establishment fee may apply.  
Child Learn to Swim $20.50    

*Valid for 6 months from date of purchase and are non-refundable

Concession Discounts and Young Children

Please note that for all concession or pension casual entries, a valid concession card must be presented at reception. If you are unsure if your concession card qualifies, please call the centre on 03 8727 8969.

Children aged below 5 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (Child under 5 pays, 1 adult is free) As Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool is a child safe facility, all children under the age of 5 must be within arm's reach at all times.

All children under the age of 10 must also be actively supervised at all times and cannot be left in the facility alone. If you are interested in visiting the facility regularly, we would highly recommend a membership as your best option.

Companion Card

The Companion Card will require you to pay only for your own entry. A second entry ticket will be issued for your companion at no charge. Present your Companion Card when you are paying your entry fee.

For more information about the Companion Card program www.companioncard.vic.gov.au


Carer Card

Concession entry fee for the holder of the Carer Card at all times. Present your Carer Card when you are paying your entry fee.

For more information about the Carer Card program www.carercard.vic.gov.au



You must present a valid Concession Card to receive the concession rate.

Eligible cards include:

  • Health Care Card
  • Student Card
  • Seniors Card
  • Carer Card

Large Group Entry

To be eligible for a large group entry rate (offered for casual aquatic entry only) you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an organisation e.g. sporting club, scout group, holiday program etc
  • Have a minimum of 10 people
  • Contact us at jackhort@belgravialeisure.com.au or 03 8727 8969 a minimum of 48 business hours prior to your booking 

If these conditions are not met, you will be charged the full entry rates which apply upon entry. Please note further conditions apply depending on the size of the group.

Become a Member

Here at Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool, we have made it easy for you to trial our memberships by offering you a free trial.

TripAdvisor Panel

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